Mr Davies - Dosbarth Arian
Croeso i Dosbarth Arian
Mr Davies - Blwyddyn 5
All About Us
Class Teacher: Mr Davies
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Plimmer
P.E Day:
In year 5 our allocated day for P.E is a Monday. All pupils need to have appropriate footwear and clothing to undertake a wide range of physical activities.
Pupils in year 5 complete homework using Google Classrooms, which is found using their Hwb accounts. Here they will find links to challenges and activities in relation to their current learning in school.
We have regular spelling words which the pupils aim to learn each week. These words are high frequency words in relation to their age and general necessities.
Pupils take their reading books home each week in order to read with parents.
On a termly basis we also set a creative task that allows the pupils to express their unique creative abilities for example: creating a Welsh themed board gaming or designing their own Mars rockets etc.
All pupils are given the opportunity to join a variety of the schools musical groups such as woodwind, brass and violins to name a few.